Video Conferencing

Online Meeting
Video conferencing is a type of online meeting where two or more people engage in a live audio-visual call. With a strong internet connection, the participants can see, hear, and talk to each other in real time, no matter where in the world they are.
Video conferencing has been around for years, but it skyrocketed in popularity as school and work shifted into the home during the 2020 pandemic.
Working from home
Working from home became the new way to do business 2.o Video Conferencing enables you and your employees or customers the convenience of doing business face to face without having to leave home or office. The savings expense alone save companies thousands in travel and in airline/flight dollars while at the same time improving productivity.

Video Conferencing Technology
Today, videoconferencing technology and messaging platforms have evolved to harness wireless, AI, smart devices and IoT to deliver next-gen collaboration capabilities, whether in conference rooms and huddle rooms, or by connecting remote workers from their desks, home offices or while traveling.
Right Digital Workspace
But without the right digital workspace solution in place, even the most advanced office environments cannot take advantage of the latest technologies and work streams to support greater productivity, connection, convenience and efficiency. Call TPC and let one of our courteous and professional associates help you in your video conferencing system that’s right for you.